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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Shapeshifter- In Colour

Exam Time Part 1

Like the picture says I should be studying for my exams, but with study comes procrastination. During my great procrastination moment I thought "I'm putting all this time and effort in to a two hour or three hour exam, why?"

There is so much pressure to do well in exams when in the real work environment they don't tell you to sit down for three hours and write three essays in order to keep your job, or do they? did I skip that class where they told us this actually happens?

So much of my life right now is dedicated to study and I hope like hell it will all be worth it at the end of the day, otherwise I'll just end up working at Burger King for the rest of my damn life on minimum wage...NOT COOL!!

So to everyone out there going through exams or who will eventually do exams GOOD LUCK and remember if you study hard then it will be worth it in the end, and when you reach that end you will forever have your student loan to remind you of those long nights studying and pointless lectures you once attended.


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