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Thursday, April 4, 2013

I Love Who?

Nights like tonight is when I hate my bed, it's too big for one person. I may not know what it is like to have a strong embrace around me, but that doesn't mean I don't crave it. Cause I do, nearly every night.

It's always the same question: "So anyone your interested in?" or "Have you meet anyone recently?" and it's always the same answer, "No." Followed by a lie: "I like being single, it's fun. Plus I don't have time for a relationship." Followed by a fake smile to get everyone off my back.

People don't see it, they don't see that I hate being single, that I hate that fact that I have never told someone I love them because deep inside it kills me.

I feel like it will never happen to me, and why is that? why don't I get to experience this feeling? I feel like something is wrong with me that I will forever be repeating the statement above. What will happen to me?

People tell me don't go looking for it, it will happen when you least expect it. Well I am still waiting.

I am 21 years old and I have never fallen in love, never been held in an embrace overnight, never been told that I am beautiful by that someone special and I have never whispered the words
"I Love You"

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