All these photo's I have taken myself of the drive over to Greymouth and back again to Methven.
So today was officially the last day of my classes for Semester 1, which now means that exams are next week! I haven't done in exams since 2010 since last year when I was studying towards my certificate it was all practical work and done in assignments and we didn't have big tests like exams at the end, so now I have to get myself back into the habit of studying for exams.
On a completely different note I was searching through my laptop trying to find a nice new background photo when I stumbled upon the folder of the pictures I took last time I was in the South Island. My mum and I went road tripping to the West Coast to see my sister who is on her placement over there, so I thought I would share some of my photos of the lovely scenery I took. It makes me miss the mountains as I use to wake up and see them every morning when I was living in Methven, but my scenery has changed now.
So just remember to take in your surroundings while you are somewhere and appreciate what is around you, and don't be afraid to open your eyes because there is always something beautiful to see.